Unlock Your Students’ Creative Potential With This Unique Tool

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I’m always searching for counseling tools, and I recently discovered the Buddha Board on my most recent trip to Barnes and Noble. (My daughter has deemed the bookstore her favorite place in the world, and I couldn’t be prouder.) While there, I stumbled across the Buddha Board and realized I had actually seen them in other people’s offices but had never realized what they were. These things are a fantastic way to help students manage their emotions and express themselves in a healthy way.

The Buddha Board is a unique tool that allows students to write and draw their feelings on a special board with water. Once they have written or drawn their feelings, the water evaporates, leaving the board blank once again. This is a great way to help students express their feelings without having to keep them written down permanently. Like kinetic sand, it is their ephemeral nature that is so appealing; they can create whatever they want and trust that it will disappear.

I can’t wait to try this with students. It’d be a great addition to a meditation corner or classroom chill zone as a way to process difficult emotions. It’s such a unique way for them to express themselves, relax, and be creative. If you’re looking for a new way to help your students manage their emotions, the Buddha Board is definitely worth considering, and if the price tag of the original is too steep, here’s the link to the off-brand version.

Have you ever used one of these? Did you think it was helpful?